The Guided Light Healing Membership Program

Your greatest tool to realize your remarkable, untapped capabilities to unlock your highest potentials and lead the most incredible, awe-inspiring life.

Become a Member

You doing more great is what the world needs.

Elements to our design of this leading-edge membership program to empower you with daily resources to make profound, desirable changes in your life in the fastest, most effective way possible no matter your current life circumstances.


We found the hack to empower you with weekly support, the latest spiritual breakthroughs and life hacks at the highest levels to overcome this chaotic world for only a small time and heart commitment from you or a small financial one for those ready to see big changes.


With the right support and in the right environment with access to an ever-growing library of leading edge, life-changing information you are capable of making profound changes on a weekly or daily basis. This program opens you up to a new life possibilities you never knew were possible.


With just a few small, high frequency connections here and there throughout a week, you'll experience a 96% positive difference in your life alone. This includes happiness, career fulfillment, health improvements and financial opportunity.


By changing the models you live by, align to the highest possible solutions to your problems you'll be blown away by through our video content and live monthly Q&A sessions. Be apart of a community of likeminded people who will support your dreams through the hard times.

About the Membership Program

Built around your most difficult schedule, here is everything this incredible, life-changing program has to offer you.

Have 24/7 Access to Our Growing Video Database

Learn the latest, ground-breaking spiritual discoveries that will completely change your life through 100's of hours of video content on a wide range of topics to choose from.

Join Weekly Live via Zoom Webinars with Alessandro

Get email invites to join weekly 40 minute webinars with Alessandro on brand new, life-changing topics and the latest advancements in spiritual tech.

Join a Monthly Live via Zoom Q&A Sessions with Alessandro

Join the private, pro members-only Q&A sessions to get direction and the highest help from Alessandro on your life's most pressing questions and your biggest struggles.

Look Forward to Daily or Weekly Energy Boosts

Engaging even the smallest amount with this highest frequency content you'll experience an immediate lift in your energy and gain newfound inspiration towards your life.

Get Real Advice That Will Solve Your Problems

With our combination of neuroscience, human behavior, high frequency spiritual tech, and leading edge teaching practices, solutions to your every issue can be found here.

Be Apart of a Safe Community of Fellow Spiritual Pioneers

Connect with an amazing community of people who get you in an environment where you can be yourself and feel safe to vulnerably ask your important life questions.

Join the Membership Program

Access to Daily, Divine Solutions at Your Fingertips

How to use this membership to get the highest possible advice to transform all areas of your life.

Choose Your Life's Trajectory

Our membership has two levels of investment to match the level of life enhancement, opportunity openings and self transformation you desire for your life and future.

GLH Core Membership Program


What you get...

  • 24/7 Unlimited Access to Our Highlights Video Database
  • Invites to Join Live via Zoom Webinars with Alessandro on Brand New Spiritual Tech & Discoveries
  • No financial commitment. Can stop anytime.

GLH Pro Membership Program


What you get...

  • 24/7 Unlimited Access to Our Full Video Database
  • 24/7 Unlimited Access to Our Highlights Video Database
  • Invites to Join Live via Zoom Webinars with Alessandro on Brand New Spiritual Tech & Discoveries
  • Access to Join the Monthly Live via Zoom Pro Members-Only Q&A Sessions with Alessandro
  • Receive An Intuited Level Up Inspiration Email Every 2 weeks
  • Access to the Pro Membership Telegram Community Thread
  • Per Month Commitment. Cancel at any time.

Try it Out Now

Watch these clips from our past Q&A Sessions to get a taste of what to expect from them!


From how to best use the program to what's the difference between the databases to when are the monthly Q&A sessions, we answered the top questions you probably have about this program.

How would I even use this program? How does it work?

Founder & CEO, Alessandro, explains how this program works and how you can use it as a next level tarot deck to solve your life's daily problems and build your better, more empowered future. Watch now. >>

I don't have hours to spend watching videos. How could this be useful to me?

This program encompasses the cream of the crop of our favorite high frequency life hacks:

Hack #1 - 20 Minutes a Day is All You Need. Some of the video lessons are 60+ minutes in length but you don't have to commit to the whole video. With our advanced knowledge of how the brain retains information, all of our recordings will cover multiple 20 minute topics in one. So you can watch one 20 minute section one day and then another the next day.

Essentially you choose how much time you want to devote to your spiritual growth each day and each week, but we set it up so you can get your growth in without derailing your whole schedule.

Hack #2 - The Effectiveness of Background Tasking. We all know multi-tasking doesn't actually work, but we found the trick to help you get more done so you have more time to do what you want. By listening to one of these audios while doing an activity that doesn't require much of your attention like dishes, cleaning, stretching or for some cooking, those pesky chore type activities can now be your life advancement time. You'll even probably start to look forward to them.

Plus, our video players have the option to watch them at 1.75x or 2x speed so you can move through more material in less time, and as a bonus keep your brain more engaged to follow the faster speech.

Hack #3 - The Power of High Frequency Information. There truly is no shortcut to attaining great things, but with the way high frequency changes the chemistry in your brain, you can certainly expedite this process quickly. A dose of high frequency information is like getting one of those "aha" realization moments that changes your whole life forever. Completely flipping a belief that then transforms your every action.

These videos contain massive amounts of high frequency information that's always involving so you are looking at enjoying hours of potential clicks, light bulb moments, and forever life changes in one place.

What is the difference between the Highlights Database and the Full Database?

The Full Database is a video library of full recordings of every webinar and intro course class we have done for the past 4 years at Guided Light Healing. This database is constantly growing as we will upload new webinars and intro course classes recordings weekly.

These recordings cover a wide range of different topics spanning across all aspects of life and is only available to Pro Members.

The Highlights Database is a smaller video library that will only include the full recordings of the past week's new webinars and intro course classes. Every Monday, the videos will be updated and old webinars will no longer be available unless you are a Pro Member.

This database is also available to Pro Members so they can more easily find our latest content.

When is the Monthly Q&A Session with Alessandro? Is it available to anyone?

The Monthly Q&A Sessions are for Pro Members only. As a good rule of thumb, you can expect the sessions to be on every third or fourth Friday of each month at 11am PST, but the list of specific dates to mark in your calendars for 2025 are as follows...

January 17th

February 21st

March 21st

April 18th

May 16th

June 20th

July 18th

August 22nd

September 19th

October 17th

November 21st

December 19th

These 1 hour, live via Zoom sessions will give members the opportunity to ask Alessandro questions about their life's biggest problems and get the highest frequency intuitive advice and solves for them. No need to submit questions in advance, you can ask them during the live session.

If you can't attend one of the live sessions, you can email us your question for Alessandro at and he will cover it during the live so you can get your solve in the recording.

A recording of every session will be uploaded to the Full Database within the week following the live session.

What's the difference between the Core and Pro Program? Why should I do one over the other?

The Pro Program gives you access to all the incredible features of this program includes both the Full and Highlights Database, the live weekly webinars, the live monthly Q&A sessions, and any other features we get inspired to add as this program evolves.

We recommend this program to anyone who takes their spiritual growth seriously, wants to make big changes to their lives on a regular basis, want to be at the forefront of spiritual progression and have a craving to be the best at what they do.

The Core Program gives you access to our latest discoveries and new information to experience focused life changes at the pace we deliver new information that's in alignment with the topics we release each week.

We recommend this program to more casual spiritual individuals who are interested in new spiritual tech and latest discoveries and want to create big changes in their lives, but are not quite in a place to jump all the way in.

What is your cancellation policy?

A Pro Membership is a per month investment and commitment to your growth. One $50 payment gets you 1 month access and will recur indefinitely every following month on the check out date.

You can cancel at any time. If cancel your membership at any point during a month's cycle, you will keep access for the remaining days, but will not be charged for the next month and will lose access to all the Pro features.

To cancel your subscription, email us and we can help. Please give us at least 24 hours notice before your next payment to properly process the cancellation.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Step 1: Log into your Thinkific Account.

Step 2: Click on your profile icon at the top right corner. In the drop down menu click "Your Account"

Step 3: Click on "Billing"

Step 4: Under Subscriptions find "Guided Light Healing Membership Program - Full Database" and click "Cancel"

Join the Membership Program

Join the Program

It's simple! Just choose to join the Core or Pro program...

GLH Core

Membership Program


What you get...

  • 24/7 Unlimited Access to Our Highlights Video Database
  • 24/7 Unlimited Access to Our Full Video Database
  • Invites to Join Live via Zoom Webinars with Alessandro on Brand New Spiritual Tech
  • Access to Join the Monthly Live via Zoom Pro Members-Only Q&A Session with Alessandro
  • No financial commitment. Can stop anytime.


Membership Program


What you get...

  • 24/7 Unlimited Access to Our Highlights Video Database
  • 24/7 Unlimited Access to Our Full Video Database
  • Invites to Join Live via Zoom Webinars with Alessandro on Brand New Spiritual Tech
  • Access to Join the Monthly Live via Zoom Pro Members-Only Q&A Session with Alessandro
  • Every 2 Weeks Receive an Intuited Level Up Inspiration Email
  • Access to the Pro Membership Telegram Community Thread
  • Per Month Commitment. Cancel at any time.

You are here for a reason.

Your soul had a big purpose for leading you to this page and we would be remissed if we didn't help it get what it came here for!

Get your soul's input for FREE about joining this program.

Let's figure out your reason for being here and what your higher self wants for you. We have multiple avenues to connect you with and this will help us to find the perfect one for you.