Guided Light Healing's

Intuitive Kid Hidden Masteries Analysis

Know where your kid is truly gifted, where they will excel in life, and have the potential to be the most successful, happy person. 

Get your child's mastery analysis now!

All kids have hidden genius gifts and abilities that often get missed or never utilized.

Every child is born with the potential to be one of the greats in the world. To flourish with special skills and unmatched successes. With this analysis, fully unlock your child's greatest, one-of-a-kind abilities to create something in the world that no one else can.

Structure a Life in Which Every Aspect of it Enhances Your Kid's Success in the World Around Their Gifts

Know Their Highest Lifetime Potentials

Every child is born with what we call Micheal Jordan or Einstein abilities. Specialized skill sets that if nurtured the right way will lead them to becoming the best in the world with that skill. Knowing your child's "greatest in the world" skills, you can help pave the road for them to attain unbelievable success in a field they'll excel at, genuinely love and have no competition in.

Give Them The Game-Changing Gift of Time

For generations, it's taken people until they reach the age of 40 to realize what they are good at and are truly passionate about. By knowing your child's greatest skills and their unique soul calling in their early years, structure a life for them that gives them the vital years they need to master these skills, bypass the disappointing trial and error process and enjoy their successes sooner in life.

No Accidental Damage & Derailment

So many kids suffer years of psychological damage from thinking they aren't smart or that they should be good at things that on a soul level they were never intended to be good at. Discover what your child has the potential to be the best at that's different from the rest of the world so you, their teachers or the world don't unintentionally decimate their self image or push them into the wrong career.

Invest Time & Money into the Right Things

Education programs and extracurricular activities can be costly. Invest your money into the right activities, focus your kid on the right subjects in school and provide them with the best upbringing by knowing what they are going to be genuinely passionate about and have a high work ethic in without being pushed and which ones will be a waste. Save money, time and understand your child on a deeper level.

“I honestly don't even know where to begin. I've worked with Alessandro through different stages of my life; figuring out my soul path, moving through loss, trauma, grief and over the last few years, my 5 year old son. Being a single parent is no easy feat and I can say it can feel very lonely at times. Not having another parent to bounce ideas off of or share stories or get advice, can feel isolating at times. Having Alessandro in my corner has been life changing to say the least. Learning about ways to support my son as his sole parent, while allowing him to flourish and get experiences as his own person, takes work. The growth, awareness, unconditional love and emotional maturity I see building each day in my son is magical and worth every effort.”

— Marlo & Nash

What's included in an Intuitive Kid Hidden Masteries Analysis?

Intuited Rundown of All Your Child's Greatest Skill Potentials

Receive a list of your child's, what we call, Michael Jordan or Einstein abilities. The skills that they have the capabilities and potentials to be the best in the world at - clocking at a 96+ on the intuitive scale. Get a clear understanding of what these skills are and how they relate to each other in your child's bigger picture.

Understand the Perfect Environment They Need to Cultivate These Skills

Receive a detailed explanation on the physical aspects of your child's life that either need to be added in or adjusted to best support their growth. This could include your child's schedule, activities they engage in, triggers in their environment, their relationships with friends, family, and teachers, ect.

Know Your Child's Highest Values to Create Passion in Their Studies

Receive a list of your child's top three values and understand how to use these values to effectively and positively motivate your child without pushback and help them develop their own genuine want to invest time and effort into the areas that you know are best for them. Know which of their high potential skills to encourage them towards now vs. later in life.

Have Your Child's Unique Emotional Support Formula to Best Help Them on Their Journey

Have a detailed explanation on what your child needs from you and the world around them in order to ensure they develop high self esteem, effectively navigate through emotional obstacles, set backs and failures, and have the sense of safety and confidence they need to be able to make the decisions and take the risks in life they need to succeed.

Book Your Child's Intuitive Hidden Masteries

Analysis Now.

Investment: $800

We offer two payment options to get your Intuitive Kid Hidden Masteries Analysis audio.

At check out, fill out a brief questionnaire that will provide us with all the information we need to give you the most dialed in and effective breakdown for you and your child.

You are here for a reason.

Your soul had a big purpose for leading you to this page and we would be remissed if we didn't help it get what it came here for!

Get your soul's input for FREE about receiving this intuitive analysis read.

Let's figure out your reason for being here and what your higher self wants for you. We have multiple avenues to connect you with and this will help us to find the perfect one for you.