Guided Light Healing's

Intuition Mastery



Divine guidance is the KEY to living the incredible life you desire.

Through focused, short burst learning, unleash your mastered intuitive brilliance and carry out your fulfilled higher purpose.

Apply now to enroll

How much more good could you do if you had 63% of your time back?

How choosing to live your life as your mastered, intuitive self reprioritizes the time, money and effort you are unconsciously wasting on the wrong things so you spend more time on the right things that actually matter, have the energy to give to the things that are important to you, and experience more genuine wins in your life more often.


Don't waste another second in the wrong job or leave a job too early. Know that every career move you make will always be the perfect step towards the success and fulfillment you want.


Predict your future and make changes as you see fit. Get the skills to make the exact shifts you need to get the results you want and see them happen in record amounts of time.


Never again have buyer's remorse. Confidently make the decisions that will always grow your wealth. Know when to buy, when to save, and how to increase your financial flow daily.


Accurately diagnose exactly what is going on in your body and what it needs to reach its highest potentials of health and look the way you want. Guarantee you achieve your ideal health goals.

You are here for a reason.

Your soul had a big purpose for leading you to this page and we would be remissed if we didn't help it get what it came here for!

Get your soul's input for FREE about joining this program.

Let's figure out your reason for being here and what your higher self wants for you. We have multiple avenues to connect you with and this will help us to find the perfect one for you.

Outcomes you will experience from taking each level of the Intuition Mastery Course



Decision Confidence

Never look back on a decision with regret. Confidently ask the right intuitive questions to create the most incredible, abundant life.

Become Invaluable

Be the best advice giver. Embody your most valuable gifts that will make noticeable changes in your life and how people see you.

Intuitive Prowess

Confidently wield the most powerful intuitive skill set that empowers you with the ability to change any aspect of your life to how you want.

Clear Direction

Understand the hidden knowledge of intuition and have expertise on how it works. Have template reads that will guarantee perfect clarity.

Decision Independence

Know that you always have the right answer, tune out the outside world, and always make the choices that are the best for your unique life.

Daily Gratitude

Step into your power and harmonize with the world. Confidently create the life of your dreams and help those you care most about.


Health Expertise

Always have access to the most accurate diagnosis of what is going on in your body. Confidently identify the emotional root cause and the best method to heal.

Future Assurance

Use your mastered abilities to change the course of your future as you see fit. Know what changes you need to make to get the outcomes you want.

Future Confidence

Never be caught off guard again. Predict your's or anyone else's future with 100% accuracy including the most specific and helpful details.

Ultimate Connection

Nurture deeper, more meaningful relationships with people by understanding them on a deeper level. Create open dialogues with Source, animals and the world.

Impressive Accuracy

With mastery over using multiple forms of intuition, pull in the most precise, dead on accurate energetic and physical details every time you use your intuition.

Fulfilling Results

Have the proven template and skills to always know the perfect actions that will align you with any financial, career, relationship, or health goals you desire.


Emotional Mastery

Have the tricks and energy work to know that no matter how high the stakes, you will be able to pull in the most accurate and perfect solutions for yourself and clients.

Absolute Fulfillment

Curate your life to exactly how you like. Make the career and life choices that resonate with your core self. Feel the highest levels of pride, excitement, and happiness towards your life.

Deeper Connections

Be of the highest service by knowing exactly where people are in their life and what they need from you. Enjoy the highest level of fulfilling relationships.

Empowering Speech

Have the confidence to share your remarkable intuitive information and know it will always land beautifully. Help others achieve the most profound levels of love for themselves and their lives.

Life-Changing Precision

Have the highest mastery with all your intuitive skills. With every read you do, pull in the highest clarity and the perfect details to make any change you want.

Transform Everything

Step into your divine plan to be of service to the world as an intuitive. With your dialed in energetic broadcast, create the most incredible impact on the world changing people's lives.

Apply Now to Enroll!

Interested in taking this course? Enter your info below to request an application and we will let you know what opportunities are available for you to take it.

Some courses may be starting sooner than you've heard.


Get soul input free

Wanna know what you can expect?

Check out the Intuition Development Page from our website to watch free video lessons to get a taste of the what you can look forward to in this remarkable course!

Check it out!

What people are saying...

"Taking the Intuition Mastery Course was one of the best decisions I ever made for myself. Before taking this course I found myself at one of the lowest points in my life; depressed, anxious, and unsure of my future. By the end of the course I felt alive again and figured out my soul's purpose. By tapping into my own intuition, I was able to heal and improve many other areas of my life. I am eternally grateful for Alessandro and the tools he taught me to better understand myself and the world around me."

- Brittany

"The Intuition Mastery Course really helped me build confidence in my intuition and experience the tremendous value in developing this ability.  Alessandro gave us lots of individualized feedback to help us improve and show us where to focus for the best results. I even had a teacher from another class I was taking comment on my expanding abilities.  We also got plenty of practice with classmates which is where the magic of using our intuition was evident. I was amazed to see how much myself and others could pick up during practice sessions. If you want to learn from the best and get the most detailed, innovative information and support on how to maximize your intuition, then this is the course for you."

- Regina

"I have been blessed to work with Alessandro for years who provided me with guidance and clarity when I needed it most at pivotal points of my life. My decision to join the Intuition Mastery Course was truly empowering and transformational. I have felt my intuitive gifts for years, but I never had the clarity and tools to rely on them on a daily basis. The tools and the training I received from the Intuition Mastery Course have been a game-changer in my life.  

I am forever grateful to Alessandro for unlocking the gifts within me."

- Jack

How revered and sought after do you want your intuition to be?

The ground-breaking ideas, reading techniques, and tools you will learn in each level of our Intuition Mastery Course.

Not sure which level or levels is best for you? Worried you can't afford it?

Click the button below to get your soul's input purely channeled for you.

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Get your soul's input

Level 1

10 weeks

In Level 1...

  • Open the two-way communication between you and Source
  • Understand the science and the mechanics of intuition
  • Learn the anatomy of the intuitive body
  • Start developing the skill of intuitive thinking
  • Learn the rules and art of asking intuitive questions
  • Develop and hone in your intuitive accuracy and precision
  • Get the foundations necessary to master advanced intuition techniques
  • Learn the steps to guarantee that you always get 100% accurate intuitive answers
  • Get intuitive templates to conduct the most life-changing reads for yourself and others

Investment: $1,500

Level 2

10 weeks

In Level 2...

  • Learn how to accurately decode illness, disease, or injury in the body and know exactly how to heal it
  • Conduct the most accurate and impressively specific future predictions for yourself and others
  • Understand how to get exact real world details in future readings
  • Develop more forms of intuition and know how to use them together to achieve utmost clarity
  • Learn how to communicate with animals
  • Understand the correct way to connect with loved ones who have passed on and beings not in physical bodies
  • Develop the ability to channel the purest information directly from Source
  • Learn how to intuitively see and feel the world through someone else's perspective 
  • Get the intuitive template to getting results
  • Develop reliable, instantaneous intuitive knowing

Investment: $2,500

Level 3

10 weeks

In Level 3...

  • Master your emotions with specific techniques and energy work
  • Read others with 100% accuracy, identify their hidden agendas, and understand them at a deeper level
  • Accurately recall details from memories - even ones you don't remember
  • Learn what the Akashic Records are and how to use them to master new skills, make future predictions, access past lives, or change the future.
  • Understand and decode dreams
  • Increase your intuitive accuracy with numbers, levels and percentages
  • Learn how to get 100% exact and clear messages from the Universe to remove blocks and find massive openings in your life
  • Get techniques on how to confidently stand your ground when sharing intuitive information
  • Adjust your energetic broadcast to confidently start conducting incredible intuitive sessions
  • Get a proven template for intuitive sessions that will ensure every session will result in the biggest, positive life change for your clients
  • Learn how to control your reputation and always be of the highest service to those around you
  • Understand how much to give during an intuitive session and communication techniques to deliver powerful and inspirational intuitive sessions

Investment: $3,500

The Magic of our


Everything you need to know about our new, elevated model for courses and why it's the optimal way to achieve the highest learning results.


"I am a fan of live, in person learning, so the idea of learning from a recording was a stretch.  But each week's content exceeded my expectations.  The pace at which the information is given in the class is perfect.  It truly could be that the biggest benefit is having the audios to replay.  For me, soak time and repetition are the path to integrating new information and making changes.  The check ins are so on-point and the perfect forum for asking questions and clarifying information."

- Brenda

The Evolution of our leading-edge teaching method.

We are constantly raising the standard of spiritual education and taking it to the next level. With every elevation of our programs, they improve by 40%-60%.

As a result, our students experience even greater life transformations and greater results than the high bars we already set.

This course is the next step of our evolution. Through this video/audio course, we are introducing a new focused, short burst method of learning to help you optimize your brain's capabilities to retain information and achieve life-long integration of the material.

The Power of segmented learning.

The way our brains work, we are only able to focus and retain about 20 minutes worth of information.To help you retain every ounce of the incredible information taught in this course...

...we split the 2.5 hours worth of life changing information into approximately 20 minute video lessons that you can listen to across the 7 days of the week.

A few minutes a day with directed integrations into your life will allow you to achieve a whole new level of expertise that wasn't possible before.

Hands on help with Live Clarity Classes.

This course merges the remarkable benefits of self discovery with the profound results from the help of an intuitive coach.

After each daily video lesson, receive a self integration prompt to help you start developing your intuitive independence.

Every two weeks, master teacher, Alessandro, will host 1 hour Clarity Classes where you can ask questions, get intuited progress checks, as well as any intuitively guided support to ensure you have complete understanding of the material.

The most Incredible Investment you can make is in YOU.

The only investment we ever have complete control over is an investment in ourselves. Investments in something like the stock market always has room for unpredictable changes and shifts. All we have to do is have a great plan, the right tools and commit to never stopping. The payout will always be ten fold higher than any other investment. 

Apply Now to Enroll!

Interested in taking this course? Enter your info below to request an application and we will let you know what opportunities are available for you to take it.

Some courses may be starting sooner than you've heard.


We got you covered!

This course is designed for the busiest of lives to the most difficult of financial situations.

Take class when it's best for you!

As a digital course, you have the ultimate flexibility to decide when you have class. You get to choose when and at what time you take class. You can even decide for how long!

Is money a little tight right now?

If you are experiencing any financial hardship right now, reach out to us and we can create a special payment plan for you. 

Learn at your own pace!

This leading-edge digital course is designed to allow you to learn in 20-30 minute chunks every day throughout the week. Start, stop, do more or rewind to however works best for you!

Your Teacher.

Alessandro has spent the majority of this lifetime learning to deconstruct the virtual reality we live in and hack the system in a way that only a few others in the world have been able to do successfully.

Never before has science, spiritual, guarded financial secrets and energy work been combined in the life-change and world-changing way. Alessandro over 10,000 hours of mastery and 33 years of experience in the healing world and believes in sharing every bit of what he has learned, experienced and intuited over the years.

Alessandro Giannetti


WELCOME to Guided Light Healing

We'd love to share with you more on how we've upgraded all our tools and teachings with you in mind to create the biggest, positive difference in your life, unleash your highest potentials and amplify your life-changing voice to inspire this loud, chaotic world in greater ways than ever before.

Allow us to explain in the video below...

Apply Now to Enroll!

Interested in taking this course? Enter your info below to request an application and we will let you know what opportunities are available for you to take it.

Some courses may be starting sooner than you've heard.
