Guided Light Healing's

Financial Mastery



Connect to your divine right to have access to unlimited amounts of wealth.

Learn the best-kept secrets of the greats that will guarantee the highest financial success and get the perfect financial backing that your soul's purpose and your dreams need and deserve.

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How having FINANCIAL MASTERY will change

Every aspect of your life


Develop a deep trust and loving relationship with money to take financial stress off the table. Spend less time worrying and more time pursuing your greatest desires.


Open your access to the best, highest quality medical and health services, products, supplements, and foods to keep your body looking and feeling its best.


Have the full financial backing to hire the dream teams, create the perfect platforms, and acquire the exact resources you need to bring your soul aligned career to life.


No longer have awkward or stressful money conversations. Attain a new confidence and shift the people in your life to align with your new, higher levels of success.

You are here for a reason.

Your soul had a big purpose for leading you to this page and we would be remissed if we didn't help it get what it came here for!

Get your soul's input for FREE about joining this program.

Let's figure out your reason for being here and what your higher self wants for you. We have multiple avenues to connect you with and this will help us to find the perfect one for you.

Outcomes you will experience from taking the Financial Mastery Course



Supercharged Money Magnetism

Shift your thoughts and actions to align with the energy of a millionaire and start attracting massive amounts of money.

Know and Get Paid What You're Worth

Get clear on your monetary value and what your unique offerings are worth so you get paid the dollar amount you deserve.

Increased Confidence and Radiance

Feel more confident in your ability to make and manage money as well as increase you sense of self-worth and value.

Build and Grow Your Wealth/Income Flow

Get the techniques and step-by-step processes to start making more money and how to always have it when you need it.

Forever Financial Empowerment

Acquire a completely new understanding of how the world works and the tools to keep you feeling in control of your finances.

Restore Your Love and Trust for Money

By learning the Advanced Financial Foundations, always feel supported by and in harmony with money for the rest of your life.


Accelerated Income Increase

Know exactly how to spend, save, and invest your money so that every money move you make is one that grows your wealth.

Earn the Right to Have Massive Wealth

Have the knowledge, expertise and tools that will allow you to attract the highest levels of wealth and be in the alignment to actually keep it.

Continuous Lifestyle Upgrades

Learn the hacks and tricks that will allow you to elevate your lifestyle, dive into your passions, and live out your wildest wants.

Have Your Perfect 10-Year Success Game Plan

Leave the course having delved deep into curating the perfect plan to set your dream career into motion and ensure its success.

Live Like a Billionaire

Align your energy, thoughts, and actions to that of a billionaire and fully integrate these habit to create permanent openings in your life.

Realize and Build Your Soul's Pull

Have the knowledge and tools to create the perfect financial backing to impact lives on a global scale as your soul intended.

Apply Now to Enroll!

Interested in taking this course? Enter your info below to request an application and we will let you know what opportunities are available for you to take it.

Some courses may be starting sooner than you've heard.


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What people are saying...

"Having and building your own business takes a lot of trust. Ale’s ability to teach you the relationship and energetic understanding regarding money gives you a freedom to trust. With owning two different businesses I have been able to control a money flow without the need to work hours on end to get it. Ale shows all sides of financial freedom, taking the one thing most people fear the most and turning it into something that elevates all parts of your life. I used to fear if enough money would come in, now I have a beautiful understanding of how to control this flow allowing my businesses to flourish."

- Val

"I have a Top Ten Best Things Ever list of things I have  done in my life. Hands down taking courses from Alessandro easily falls onto this list. Why? It is because of an irrepressible joy and enthusiasm that permeates Alessandro’s teaching. No matter the  mood I am in at the start of a class or live check in, and it I soften after a long work day,   by the end, after all the laughter and absorption of intriguing information I am in an elevated state. Add to that receiving quick but profound regular intuitive reads throughout each class for concepts he’s teaching makes me feel seen, cared for, and understood.  Within Alessandro’s bevy of gifts, grown and cultivated throughout his life is his ability to disseminate serious, profound, life altering information in small graspable chunks with doable applicable steps streamed straight from his heart.  Joyfully and lovingly which is simply part of his core essence. Alessandro knows applying these spiritual, scientific life skills of the highest order (and yes, there are always higher) to his own daily living coupled with working with 1000’s of people that life does gets better. More interesting and certainly more intriguing. Alessandro  does not just serves an incredibly delicious meal, but a huge Michelin Fica Star banquet that is nutrition for the soul and a handbook for living an empowered life …if you do the work. And even if you don’t, you probably will never be quite the same in the best sense of the word."

- Susan Amanda

Two Levels to Financial Freedom

What you will learn in each level of this incredible course...

Not sure which level or levels is best for you? Worried you can't afford it?

Click the button below to get your soul's input purely channeled for you.

Ask us

Level 1 - 8 weeks

Align yourself with the success of a millionaire.

  • The science, energetic laws, and spiritual principles of money and how to attract it
  • The Advanced Financial Foundations that include loving money, putting yourself first, and creating peace of mind with wealth
  • How to expand our creative ideas so we can pursue our soul's pull unhindered
  • The energetic ingredients needed to build a millionaire income
  • How to achieve emotional balance and fair exchange with money
  • How to permanently integrate these new understandings and habit changes to forever change your finances.

Investment: $1,500

Level 2 - 10 weeks

Take your place as one of the world's wealthiest.

  • The necessary brain shifts and understandings needed to attract and focus the flow of larger financial income
  • The additional energetic ingredients needed to build a billionaire income
  • The knowledge and secrets of the world's wealthiest and most influential people
  • How to save, spend, and invest money so that you are always increasing your wealth
  • The habit changes needed to achieve the highest levels of financial success
  • Creating a bullet proof 10-year plan to build and manifest your dream lifestyle and world recognized career

Investment: $2,500

Wanna know what you can expect?

Check out our free foundational Financial Secrets Video Series to get a taste of the what you can look forward to in this remarkable course!

Check it out

The Magic of our


Everything you need to know about our new, elevated model for courses and why it's the optimal way to achieve the highest learning results.


"I am a fan of live, in person learning, so the idea of learning from a recording was a stretch.  But each week's content exceeded my expectations.  The pace at which the information is given in the class is perfect.  It truly could be that the biggest benefit is having the audios to replay.  For me, soak time and repetition are the path to integrating new information and making changes.  The check ins are so on-point and the perfect forum for asking questions and clarifying information."

- Brenda

The Evolution of our leading-edge teaching method.

We are constantly raising the standard of spiritual education and taking it to the next level. With every elevation of our programs, they improve by 40%-60%.

As a result, our students experience even greater life transformations and results than the high bars we already set before.

This course is the next step of our evolution. Through this video/audio course, we are introducing a new focused, short burst method of learning to help you optimize your brain's capabilities to retain information and achieve life-long integration of the material.

The Power of segmented learning.

The way our brains work, we are only able to focus and retain about 20 minutes worth of information.To help you retain every ounce of the incredible information taught in this course...

...we split the 2.5 hours worth of life-changing material into approximately 20 minute daily video lessons that you can listen to across the 7 days of the week.

A few minutes a day with directed integrations into your life will help you access a whole level of expertise that wasn't possible before.

Hands on help with Live Clarity Classes.

This course merges the remarkable benefits of self discovery with the profound results from the help of an intuitive coach.

After each daily video lesson, receive a self integration prompt to help you start developing your own intuitive independence.

Every two weeks, master teacher, Alessandro, will host a 1 hour Clarity Class where you can ask questions live, get intuited progress checks, as well as receive any intuitively guided support to ensure you have complete understanding and integration of the material.

The most Incredible Investment you can make is in YOU.

The only investment we ever have complete control over is the investment in ourselves. Investments in something like the stock market always has room for unpredictable changes and shifts. All we have to do is have a great plan, the right tools and commit to never stopping. The payout will always be ten fold higher than any other investment. 

Apply Now to Enroll!

Interested in taking this course? Enter your info below to request an application and we will let you know what opportunities are available for you to take it.

Some courses may be starting sooner than you've heard.


Your Teacher.

Alessandro has spent the majority of this lifetime learning to deconstruct the virtual reality we live in and hack the system in a way that only a few others in the world have been able to do successfully.

Never before has science, spiritual, guarded financial secrets and energy work been combined in the life-change and world-changing way. Alessandro over 10,000 hours of mastery and 33 years of experience in the healing world and believes in sharing every bit of what he has learned, experienced and intuited over the years.

Alessandro Giannetti


WELCOME to Guided Light Healing

We'd love to share with you more on how we've upgraded all our tools and teachings with you in mind to create the biggest, positive difference in your life, unleash your highest potentials and amplify your life-changing voice to inspire this loud, chaotic world in greater ways than ever before.

Allow us to explain in the video below...

What more people are saying...

"Some years before I met Alessandro I had an amazing career as a very successful writer. Then as life would have it... that was all lost. For three years I tried to find my balance and get back to the where I was. Nothing worked and I was now facing a career change. I met Alessandro and he said, "Absolutely not. We are gonna make some adjustments and see what happens." My next call to him was 3 weeks later. I couldn’t contain my excitement. I was not only back in the game, but set up for my best year ever. I still explain what he does and the magic he uses but, it works like nothing I have ever seen. I was able to get my life back together a get to the next level because of who he is."

- Hollywood Screenwriter

"Alessandro Giannetti's financial course has powerfully shifted my perceptions of money. His financial tools have not only made me a money manifesting badass, but they've also helped me thrive in all areas of my life. There's no course out there like this."

- Caitlyn

"Alessandro is the first person to open my eyes to looking at money as energy! It was incredibly helpful to understand the exchange on that level and his suggestion of creating a soul account has been so important for my career and growth so far.  He gives amazing advice for this in easy and digestible ways to implement right away."

- Julie

"Before I met Alessandro I was constantly consumed by the fearful thought of: if I stopped working what will I do for money? I was never raised with the right tools to manage it. I've been very blessed with my career, but that was never a guarantee for enough money. It was when I was connected with Alessandro that all that changed. He taught me his tools, helped reprogram my understandings, and broke down my limiting beliefs. Although I have to say I think it was his energy work that really changed everything though. Today I have never had a better relationship with money. More importantly, I have the security of wealth I though I would never have. Trust Him. He knows what he's doing."

- Golden Globe Winning and Oscar Nominated Actor

Apply Now to Enroll!

Interested in taking this course? Enter your info below to request an application and we will let you know what opportunities are available for you to take it.

Some courses may be starting sooner than you've heard.
