Guided Light Healing's
From Friday, November 22nd.
Everything you need to know to weather the oncoming storm.
Which do you think you would regret more? Being over-prepared or under-prepared for a situation?
Seasoned high conscious beings know that guaranteeing outcomes is only possible from achieving an equal balance of the right energetic alignments and the right physical actions. Just keeping your vibes high isn't enough.
Unprecedented times are on their way. Did you miss the previews of what's to come?
Things are about to get chaotic, scary and hard in ways we've never encountered before and we want you to be prepared for anything that could come up.
Want to know more specifics?
Check these podcasts where we go further into depth on what we plan to get into during this event, the science behind these preparations, why this is the most spiritual thing you could do and how your higher self has been prepping you for this for months.
The folks in our amazing community who have been on this pulse with us submitted their top questions/concerns they want addressed during this live event. Combining those with what your higher selves say you need most, during this event we will be covering...
+ much more
We'd love to share with you more on how we've upgraded all our tools and teachings with you in mind to create the biggest, positive difference in your life, unleash your highest potentials and amplify your life-changing voice to inspire this loud, chaotic world in greater ways than ever before.
Allow us to explain in the video below...
Guided Light Healing's Founder and CEO has over 34+ years of experience in the healing world and has spent well over 10,000+ hours of his career combining science with spiritual, developing his remarkable, scientifically precise intuitive skill set and mastering leading edge teaching techniques.
Through his years of experience and exceptional intuitive abilities, Alessandro has become the best in the business when it comes to providing the most comforting, crystal clear clarity and most effective, reliable solutions to empower people to create the most incredible lives for themselves.
His perspective and advice on what do during the most difficult of times is heavily sought out by his clients, students, and colleagues. During this event, you get the opportunity to learn and grow with Alessandro and have access to his vast and entrusted knowledge and experience.
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Your soul had a big purpose for leading you to this page and we would be remissed if we didn't help it get what it came here for!
Get your soul's input for FREE about joining this event.
Let's figure out your reason for being here and what your higher self wants for you. We have multiple avenues to connect you with and this will help us to find the perfect one for you.
Copyrights 2020. Guided Light Healing TM All Rights Reserved.